Under the hours

Design + Code Custom solutions

Underthehours stands for sustainable lingerie made in Vienna. Mona Heiß and Christa Paschke create handmade underwear for small sizes using sustainable, breathable fabrics. The website also functions as an online shop where made-to-order pieces can be purchased. We created a size calculator to ensure that customers know exactly which size to order. The website is optimized to consume as little energy as possible and minimize CO2 emissions.

    • Design + Code

    • Wireframe

    • interactive Protoype

    • Website with CMS

    • Size calculator

    • Newsletter

    • Onlineshop

    • Multilanguage, german and english

    • Tutorials how to use CMS

  • Webdesign + Code: Yulia
    Branding: Studio Franza
    Photos + Texte: Mona Heiß
    Video: Faye Landborn